- The Signal : by founders, for founders
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- Mastery of mastery itself
Mastery of mastery itself
it's not about what you want to learn, its about what the teacher wants to teach you
Have you ever had a period in your life where it seemed like EVERYTHING has shifted in extreme ways?
My 30th birthday answered many of the questions i’ve held in my mind for the last 6 months.
“how can the dirty 30’s be any dirtier than I am now?” - I found out 🤭
“Who am I going to be in this next decade? What is my deepest truth, gift & vision for service?” - I’ve never felt clearer.
“Why do people love me so much & have such respect & belief in me when I’ve struggled with that myself almost my whole life”
- this has been shifting over the last 2 years & seems to have CLICKED into a whole new level of self-respect, appreciation, acknowledgement & power.
With the shifts I’ve experienced & the clarity that turning 30 seems to bring I look at the horizon of my life & can see the approaching new experiences - with more travel, the idea of children, the idea of a global network of powerful relationships all over the world - making the entire world one’s home.
To say I’m excited is an understatement, i’m approaching everything I do in life with an ever increasing level of deliberateness & intention so I wanted to take an opportunity to state those intentions here to those of you who are among the first to be readers of “the signal”
I’ll begin with my personal intentions followed by my intentions for this newsletter & will briefly touch on our teams intentions for The Collective Solution & all our partners. (I’ll throw in some bonus stuff at the end too)
Personal intentions
- Strengthen the body & mind : to better serve & serve MORE I will need the energy to do so. I will live a long & healthy life serving with my gifts
- To amplify & lean into who I am : no more holding parts of myself back. Be as unapologetically me as can be imagined.
- To work “less” but with much higher leverage : deciding where to apply pressure for the highest return on effort.
- Spend more time with my family, especially the older generations : They have endless wisdom to share & not much time left to share it. I’ll record my findings to be able to share them with future generations as well.
Newsletter intentions
- Our movement will require us all to be on the same page, know how to help each other, learn from each other & grow side by side while walking each other all the way home.
- To bring in powerful thought leaders & guest authors & expand our collective consciousness, knowledge, network, access to resources & reputation.
- To tell moving stories from the amazing lives of the people we get to call our tribe.
- To share opportunity
- To foster collaboration & meaningful shared resources
- To give you all a way to support something you believe in (a need for conscious founders pushing the boundaries of innovation while remaining deeply rooted in ancient wisdom - to have a home)
The Collective Solution intentions
- To bring together heart centred, well intentioned builders who are focused on building a better world
- To become a globally recognised business club focused on education / skill growth / shared experiences & shared spaces.
- Monthly growth of new subscribers once that model is turned on
- Bring in world class experts to provide masterclasses on things that matter
- Provide some of the most exciting & sexy tech events in the world, where people are DYING to get in.
# 1 Ido Portal : “it’s not about what you want to learn, it’s about what the teacher wants to teach”
A powerful concept to grasp if you.. like me. Are obsessed with mastery of oneself & the aspects of life that are important to you.
He continues “If I met a master violinist who was willing to teach me I would learn violin”
Learning this in my early 20’s became a significant turning point for me & I’ve found that i’ve been recommending this documentary to people a lot recently - he talks about so much more than simply mastery, he teaches about the importance of the mind-body connection & the epidemic of people who’s bodies are failing far before they are meant to. “what you don’t use, you lose”
Heres a quick snippet of his vibe to pique your interest.
You can find the documentary here
#2 Daniel Tenner : Non-hierarchical organisations, sacred sexuality, trauma work, healing, coaching, failing over & over till you succeed & what it’s like to be in a 5 person relationship.
#3 NFT Bali : The Digital Desa
Heres a quick sneak peak of the first draft of the schedule

Our 3rd Annual Event
Year 1 : 4 “identical” weeks simply emulating the lifestyle we live as expats in Bali who are entrepreneurs in tech.
Year 2 : 4 “themed” weeks “welcome” “hackathon” “angels/founders” “art week” - lots of drinking & parties on the weekend in “VIP” sections of public venues. “intense” the whole way through
This year we’ve learned even more & are improving the experience significantly.
“breathe in” - “breathe out” is the theme.
Beginning with a 5 day founders retreat in one of the most beautifully natural parts of the island with powerful facilitators running masterclasses & experiences to bring a new level of energy, calm, focus & potential to all our attendees.
Followed by art & impact week to inspire & bring meaning.
Followed by masterclass week to focus & hone all this new energy into growth.
Followed by investment week where cheques will actually be written for meaningful projects with powerful teams. (We will fly in a roster of investors that are actively ready to deploy capital)
THEN - we have a closing week with a glamping experience (glamour camping)
It’s getting extra special this year 😄
#4 Our products & partners : a sneak peak list before anyone else gets to see
- Bespoke founders retreats
- Bob’s Branding Studio : All the design needs a founder could have - in one place.
- Travelswap : our official crypto flight booking provider 😄
- RUF : our real estate team handling end to end bespoke investment, management & building needs in Bali.
- Blocktides : our official multi award winning media partner
- 1 on 1 business growth support
- Icareum : a B2B solution for architectural, construction, design, real estate, investment funds to utilise the worlds most cutting edge tech to bring their visions to life faster, clearer & be able to communicate their vision to anyone & everyone with eyes. (very real opportunity to become a unicorn)
It is worth noting how fast Icareum has been moving - each week another new team member flies in to Argentina to move in with the core team. The progress on legals is flying, company structure & SOP’s are in place & the team is filled with superstars.
Stay tuned & thank me later ;)
#5 - If you’re interested in attending NFT Bali : The Digital Desa.
Readers of our newsletter can indicate early interest NOW to secure 1 of 120 spots that will be available to purchase.
Just respond to this email with the word ME!
Till then,
Stay blessed & be a blessing.