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- Your 7 day challenge
Your 7 day challenge
Peak performance is all about your habits
2 weeks on from the beginning of my 7 day challenge I’m tracking to become the best version of myself on a day to day basis as I’m able to access.
Nothing scarier than the thought of meeting who you could have been on the day you die.
I’ll be including a “habit tracker” you can use digitally or print out & put on your fridge to tick off everyday.

I’ll expand on the “why” for each below.
- Snoozing your alarm tells your subconscious that you’re not excited about the day while simultaneously beginning to put you into a part of your rem cycle that leaves you feeling drained from the moment you start the day : bonus points if you’re able to live without a morning alarm & begin to train your body to wake up with the sun. (our most natural way)
- breathwork for the first 20 mins of your day is a powerful way to set your energy, intention & power up for the day. While also teaching yourself that your first priority of each day is always you - not whatever your phone or your spouse wants from you. This works WONDERS for our confidence, self-image & relationships with our internal world. You will become noticeably kinder to yourself - which in turn will evolve into an environment that supports & encourages growth - it’s difficult to grow when you don’t love yourself.
- Tech free hour is so powerful! The first hour or so when you wake up your brain is still in a very suggestible state, you’re at the mercy of whatever you see first on your phone & it begins to program your subconscious for the rest of the day - it seriously inhibits your ability to be intentional about how you want to spend your day & hamstrings your ability to move the needle in a meaningful way. Try it & if it’s difficult, it means you REALLY need it ;)
- Go for walk (or run) the act of physically moving forward has a powerful subconscious effect on the mind, a feeling of progress comes from it & as we all know by now. We attract more of who we are, not what we want. So if you truly want to focus on progress, you’ve got to have a felt sense in the body that you ARE progressing. The easiest way to hack this is to walk. Worth noting it’s also super important for our health, so much so tech has even evolved to help us track & ensure we’re taking at least 10,000 steps a day (I even want a treadmill work set up at home so I can walk while I take calls)
- Exercise 20 mins a day minimum : resistance & endurance training is one of the biggest factors into how we age. Muscle is so important to have if you wish to remain strong, able-bodied & have a sharp mind long into your later decades. The correlation between brain health & physical health cannot be ignored & theres a reason why we see entrepreneurs evolve into biohackers & become ultra healthy when they continue to push themselves towards peak performance - the truth is that if you wish to perform at the top of the world of entrepreneurship too, you best be physically healthy.
- Write everyday. Writing helps us to organise our thoughts, it helps us to process ideas & it shows us our own gaps in understanding. It enables us to output & cleanse our minds of ideas, to-dos & everything in between. It clears space for new inputs & ideas while giving us insights into ways that we can apply our learnings in one area of our life to other areas too.
- Socials : In todays world, your personal brand is one of the most important things you can build. Who you are is far more important than what you’re building. What you’re building might fail - but you? You will get up & try again. Growing your personal brand & network is important no matter who you are or what kind of a business you have. This one is personally non-negotiable, that being said - be careful not to become a slave to the tech. Use it to create & build meaningful relationships, not to endlessly consume.
- Learn everyday : at least something small & take note of what you’ve learnt as well. By simply recapping at the end of the day what you learned, it helps you to retain more information & skills than if you didn’t. It’s also important to note that everything in nature is perpetually in a state of growth or decay - there is no in between. Choose.
- Journal : This helps you to recap how your day went, check in with yourself & your needs, how is your energy? Are you proud of how your day went? Did it get you closer to where you’re going & who you’re becoming? What do you want to note for tomorrow? What did you learn? Checking in with yourself is important, it’s an act of self-love. You wouldn’t date someone who never asked you how you are would you ? When was the last time you really had a 1 on 1 conversation with yourself with no distractions?
- Tech detox : At least an hour before bed its time to remove all tech & distractions. Allow your mind to wind down & prepare to fall asleep, remove the blue light from screens which tricks your body into thinking its day time & produce the wrong hormones for sleep. (This dramatically affects your “effective sleep” % as it takes a significantly longer time for you to get into your much needed rem cycles)
All of this to simply say…
You become what you repeatedly do.
If you want a little further reading on habits I suggest James clear’s book : atomic habits
If you want some additional accountability or have any questions, feel free to respond to this email 🙂